New Delhi, Affiliation No.: 1530177
Chairman's Message
Dear parents,

Our vision is to enable, encourage and challenge every student to initiate the lifelong pursuit of learning by providing a safe, nurturing and enjoyable environment based on our seven principles

  • Sound health and balanced diet
  • Academics beyond excellence
  • Effective communication skills
  • Career building and preparation for outside competitions
  • Scientific aptitude
  • International exposure and holistic development
  • We are sure that with your support, we can achieve the goal. We welcome you to Black Diamond Public School and are delighted to have you in our family.
Our objective
  • To introduce the child to the joys of learning through companionship and recreational activities.
  • To stimulate and satisfy the child's curiosity about his environment and provide opportunity to discover
  • And explore with hands-on material.
  • To develop the child's ability to express his thoughts and feeling in a fluent language and in a confident
  • Manner
  • To orient the child to develop self confidence, self dependability, honesty and social skill through group
  • Interaction
  • To inculcate good habits, social manners and etiquettes among children.
  • To enlarge the mental horizons and broaden the outlook of the children